Mindpowered Coaching Programs

4th Quarter Coaching Program

It's no secret the pressures that meet athletes at every level of play. The world of sports can easily become 'their world' for better and for worse and it's our goal and purpose to make sure that your athlete is not only confident, thriving and achieving their goals, but that they understand their purpose, passion and principles in life. Understanding their true identity outside of sports so they can thrive in life is ESSENTIAL to their success within the sport.

Empowered Teens

It's a heavy world out there, mom and dad, and our teens need a little more than the box that this world and the traditional school system puts them in in order for them to fly the coup with confidence, direction and purpose. They don't need a diploma with a high letter grade, they need personal awareness and leadership skills to help them thrive and maximize THIER greatest potential. Our 12 week Empowered Teen course will help them do just that.

1-1 Mindpower Coaching

This is a series of high-powered coaching sessions geared towards helping you get ultra clear about what it is you want in life/business/family..., to understand what's holding you back from getting what you want, releasing all that baggage and get the ongoing support and accountability you need to thrive and maximize your family's greatest potential.

Jen has addressed audiences online and in person across the US both virtually and in person. She has been a mother to 6 for 17 years now, an avid athlete and youth group leader. She has presented on stage for high school youth, via zoom for business leaders and entrapraneus, as well as in front of networking groups.

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